Sunday, February 9, 2014

aft ls5' g} d'bf cl5 ulDe/

s~rgf emf
c+u|]hL d] sxfjt 5}s, x\jfOn Og /f]d 8' Pofh c /f]dG; 8' cyf{t hF cfFxf /f]d d] /lx /xn l5 t /f]dg ;a h]gf s/}of t]gf s? . xd aft  s/xn 5L ljjfxs . ljjfxs df};d cfaL u]n cl5 . ljjfx s pd|s n8sf of n8sL Pvg h} 3/ d] xf]ot tflx 3/ d] dfq Ps]6f rrf{ rln/xn xf]ot . kmnf 7d s n8sf of kmnf 7fd n8sL . jf:tj d] sxn hfo t ckgf ;axs ;dfh d] ljjfx k|lqmof ;DkGg s b]gfo s] cleefjs ;a ;F a8sf lhDd]jf/L dfg}t 5fOy . ljjfxf]Q/ hLjg s ;+aGws af/] d] clwsfFz cleefjs ulDe/tf ;F gxL ;f]r}t 5ly h]s/ kl/0ffd clglZrt eljio cf}/ lg/f;fs cnfjf cf}/ ls5' g} .
cf] ;do ls5' cf}/ 5n h] clwsfFz nf]u ckg hGd:yfg ;F h'8n /x}t 5n . kof{Kt v]t kyf/ 5n cf}/ ufd d} /x}t cf/fd ;F hLjg s}6 hfOt 5n . a9}t hg;+Vofsf sf/0f nf]s zx/ hf /xn cl5 hlx 8]u 8]u k/ kfO{ rflx . Ps cfbdL cyf]{kfh{g s/}o cf}/ ;Dk'0f{ kl/jf/ x'gsf k/  cfl>t /x] cf] hLjg gs{ ;dfg e hfot cl5 . vf; ss g]kfn cf}/ ef/t d] tnadfg Pt]s g} 5} h] cfxfFs ;Dk'0f{ kl/jf/ s vr{ Ps cfbdL s sdfo ;F k'/f xf]ot  . lglZrt ?k ;F sf]gf] /rgfTds sfo{ ss dlxnfsf] ;]xf] kl/jf/ s cfDbGfL a9j} d] e'ldsf  /xafs rflx .
n]lsg  dlxnf svg ;xof]u s/t . hvg cf] lzlIft xf]O cf}/ cf]s/ lzIff sfh nuo anf xf]o . ckjfb 5f]l8bL t clwsfFz dlynf~rn n8sL Pvg k9n lnvn cl5 n]lsg ls cf]s/ cWoog cyf]{kfh{g s] n]n pko'St 5}s, O ax't a8sf k|Zg cl5 . vf; ss cf] dlxnf s] n]n h] gofF kl/j]zsf efiff cf}/ ;+;s[tL ;+ lans'n cGhfg cl5 . O cnuaft 5} h] cfxfF ljZj ljBfno ;F :gftsf]Q/ s] pkfwL xfl;n s]g] l5 n]lsg hF cfxfFs g]kfnL efiff g} ca}t cl5 t a'emof} ls cfxfF s] pkfwL clx7d sf]gf] sfh g} . g]kfnL cfxfF s] ca}t glx cl5, cf}/ c+u|]hL t a; kf; s/}s] n]n dfq k9g] /xf} cyf{t cfxfFnu dfWod] glx cl5 . ljjfx s kfFr ;fn afb cyf{t g]kfn /x}t /x}t cfxfF g]kfnL efiff l;v n]nf} n]lsg ;d:of O cl5 h] ts/f afb cfxfF pd| vTd eu]n /xt cf}/ cfxfF sf]gf]  ;/sf/L ;]jf d] glx hf ;sa . hF efUodfgL l5 t lxGbL , d}lynL ;F h'8n sfh e]6 hfot n]lsg Px]g efUodfgL  xhf/f} d} Ps xf]ot 5}s . gfd n]gfO{ 7Ls gxL n]lsg jiff]{ klxg] lxGbL ljifo ;F lk Pr 8L ss a};n Ps dlxnf s] xd hgfO{ 5L h] ut jif{ lqe'jg ljZj ljBfno d] k|fWofks e]nL . a'e'm ls u0f]z eujfg s k|;fb sf/0f, x'gs/ sf]gf] sfh g} cflv/ ljBfyL{ /xt} t g] cf] k9]tL, lxGbL ljefu d] ljBfyL{ g} , ;a lbg hfOt 5fOt cf}/ b:tvt ss ca}t 5fOt . O cnu aft cl5 h] x'gsf ljZj ljBfno dlxgfaf/L kfO{  bb}t 5}g .
aft ls5' g} n]lsg ;f]r' t ax't ulDe/ . cleefjs ?k d] ;a ckg a]6f a]6L s] k9j} 5fOy . n]lsg ljjfx s a]/ d] ;a ls5' la;/L hfOt 5fOy .  n8sL kmnf vfGbfg s] 5fOy jf n8sf kmnf vfGbfgs 5fOy O aft cfxfF ;f]r}t l5 t sf]gf] a]hf g} n]lsg n8sf h} ;dfh d] /lx /xn 5fOy cf}o ;dfh d] cfxfFs n8sL ;fd~h:o a};f ;stL ls g} O aft h?/ ;f]Or nL , syf s'6d}tL 7Ls e]nf ;+ klxn] . vf; ss ljjfx s pd| d} cu/ cfxFf l5 t ckg  ljrf/ cleefjs s] cx'F lbof}g . hF Pvg r'k /lx hfoa tF eO/ lhGbuL k5tfO]] s cnfjf cfxfF nu ls5' gxL /lx hfot . hxfF ts aft /xn cleefjs ;axs, x'gsf ;as] t ls sxn hf ;s}t, s]xgf] x]tf t xd/f ;F a];Lo] a'em}t x]tf n]lsg k}3 nf]s ;a k}3 ;d:of s ;dfwfg d] dflx/ xf]Ot 5fOy, 5f]6l5g aft d] x'gsf ;axs Wofg gxL hfot 5}s . ;jfn Ps lbgs g} 5}s lhGbuL e]/s 5}s  . cfxfFs Ps6f unt lg0f{o cfxfF a]6f, a]6f cf}/ hdfP s] hLjg gs{ agf b ;s}t cl5 ..

;dfKt .................................. k|ltqm[ofs n]n

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